Keratolin Rimuvar Korn


Keratolin Rimuvar Korn – gel to remove calluses and hen thorn Buy online $25.99
Keratolin Rimuvar Korn is a special gel to remove corns, hard skin and hen thorn. Everyday use for a period of 7-10 days provides rapid and efficient removal of thickened ski




Keratolin Rimuvar Korn – gel to remove calluses and hen thorn

Keratolin Rimuvar Korn is a special gel to remove corns, hard skin and hen thorn. Everyday use for a period of 7-10 days provides rapid and efficient removal of thickened skin, and accumulated dead horny cells.

Directions for use:

Every night for at least 7-10 days, after washing and drying of the skin, rub the affected area (corn, chicken thorn) thoroughly and cover with tape. The next morning, rinse thoroughly with water. After the third day begin to remove mechanically (with a file or pumice) separated skin and then apply the gel and repeat the procedure until recovery of the skin in the coming days. 20 days if no improvement, consult a dermatologist.

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Additional information

Weight 20 g




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