

nsadent differs from other preparation with the quality of the

ingredients, pharmaceutical form and manufacturing technology.

The active ingredients are in a more effective fat-soluble form. The

pharmaceutical form Solucaps allows quick and co







Reduces gingival inflammation and parodontosis 

What is Insadent?

Stomatological agent with a beneficial effect in gingival 

inflammation and parodontosis.

What does Insadent contain? 

High-quality standardized extract of desaponifiable fraction of Zeya 

Mays 30mg and folic acid 200mcg.  The active ingredients of  Zea 

Mays  represent a natural mixture of phytosterols 60-70%; 

antioxidants, including tocopherols, 10-20%, hydrocarbonates 5-

8% and ingredients with some anabolic effect. The standardization 

process guarantees purity and effectiveness of each capsule. 

Why is Insadent so special?

Insadent differs from other preparation with the quality of the 

ingredients, pharmaceutical form and manufacturing technology. 

The active ingredients are in a more effective fat-soluble form. The 

pharmaceutical form Solucaps allows quick and complete absorption 

of the active ingredients and ensures more powerful effect. 

How does Insadent work on gums?

The active ingredients have following properties: 

ƒ Reduces gingival inflammation 

ƒ Repair of connective tissue and epithelium of the oral cavity 

ƒ Promotes alveolar bone repair (stimulation of osteocytes) 

ƒ Reduces tooth mobility 

ƒ Increases saliva production and decreases its viscosity. 

When to use Insadent?

Beneficial effect in some gums and parodontal diseases: gums and 

parodontal inflammation (gingivitis and paradontosis); to get rid of 

bad breath and in xerostomy (dry mouth) induced by medicament.  

How to take Insadent?

Initially take 1 Solucaps twice daily before meal for 3 months. 

For maintenance take 1 to 2 capsules daily. 

Follow the instructions of your dentist. 

Are there any restrictions in Insadent intake?

There is no contraindication or restriction in use. 

Drugs interactions and other forms of interaction

No drugs interactions and other  forms of interaction have been 


Additional Info

Additional information

Weight 30 g




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