Gerissan Syrup
Pice 8.8800 for sale.
Gerisan is a natural product of the roots of the Bloody Cranesbill (geranium sanguineum).
Gerissan Syrup
Gerisan is a natural product of the roots of the Bloody Cranesbill (geranium sanguineum).
Apart from individual successes in the use of vaccines, yet humanity does not have enough reliable and versatile means to fight viral infections.
Many Bulgarian scientists have studied the medicinal plants of our area in terms of their antiviral activity. Virological studies conducted initial screening have character. The development of molecular biology and virology opened new horizons in knowledge of viral reproduktsiyai road course for its response.
Prerequisites for success in creating products of plant origin with antiviral activity in Bulgaria are many. First is the extraordinary wealth of medicinal plants which can be found in our nature. Important and long experience in their use in folk medicine, was born great healers / Ivan Rilski, Ivan Raev, Dimkov Dimitar, Dimitar Krastev /.
Undoubtedly the presence of world-class scientists in phytotherapy / Vesselin Petkov, Assoc. Ivancheva / in virology and / Manolova, Maximova, Sabeva, Lasev, Dundarov, Andonov, Serkedzhieva /.
Medicinal plant Geranium Sanguineum L / Bloody Cranesbill / is detailed and thoroughly investigated by many Bulgarian authors. Established expressed inhibitory effect on multiplication of certain strains of influenza virus isolated from its polyphenol complex. Polyphenol complex act of biological activity of the virus, which accounted for hemaglutatsionniya titre and compete with the virus and cell membrane glycoproteins by preventing certain stages of viral infection. Due to its small molecular weight polyphenol complex penetrates the cell membrane of an already infected cell by inhibiting the intracellular stages of viral replication.
There are experimental results that give reason to assume that the polyphenol complex extracted from a Geranium Sanguineum L / blood geranium / in certain concentrations completely inactivates the infectious activity of influenza viruses.
In Bulgaria was created and manufactured product of the roots of blood geranium / this part of the plant is the most complex rich in polyphenol / called Gerisan. The market is 2001. and elapsed time is sufficient experience with its implementation in support of prevention and treatment of viral infections in general.
Gerisan administered in doses of 1 capsule per day, with significantly reduced likelihood of infection with influenza virus epidemics.
All these studies and the data give us reason to assume a high degree of confidence that "Gerisan" can be used to help prevention of particularly dangerous and deadly viral infections such as avian flu, swine flu and others.
Scientists believe that in combination with synthetic detergent Rimantadine, Gerisan is boosted to create even greater protection from viral infections.
In Gerisan affect the possibilities and the richness of our nature and strength of native science.
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Weight | 150 g |